Why Ayurveda the best option for your chronic degenerative neurological ailments?
This is a case of an ENT surgeon ( Indian) who had a renal graft 10 years back, he’s on medication for diabetes, hypertension, and medications to support his graft. he got an infection six months back and due to the covid issues he was shifted to India he was hospitalized and was in the intensive care unit for around one month, during the time of stay he had an episode of stroke, pneumonia, sensory-motor disabilities. somehow he managed the critical time. He was shifted to his home. But the hospital stay and the disease made him weak in such a manner that he lost almost 25 kg of weight, his mobility was affected, and was unable to even get up from the bed.
This ENT surgeon used to go for Ayurvedic treatments in Kochi during his practice time in Oman. so this made his Family opt for ayurvedic treatment for his management.
When he came to us he was in a wheelchair. Somebody needs to be there to get him up from the wheelchair and it will take at least two people to support him to make him walk, even making a single step is very tough for him, and within 2-3 steps he will say he wants to sit. After examination, we were having the opinion that the patient is weak and the disease also is weak which is actually a positive sign, if we can improve his health by managing his ailments and making the blood parameters within the limits, he will be getting very good results. So we planned treatments for one week and we are having the opinion that we will review the case accordingly. Very mild external treatments were administered mild Ayurvedic medicines were started in such a manner that his other medications won’t have a negative effect.
Within one week of the Ayurveda treatment itself, the patient was feeling better. The major signs and symptoms which were noticeable on his part were involuntary movements (mainly tremors )and inability to stand balance. His Hb levels are very low( 7.8mg/dl) and his food intake was also low so we add up medicines to improve both along with specific neuro regenerative medications, supportive care in general nutrition, and ayurvedic external therapies to improve his musculoskeletal system. The body responded very well to the change in medications and the noticeable results achieved in his involuntary moments( tremors). His musculoskeletal system also responded in a very good manner, his motor and sensory activity improved and he was able to walk without support for around 10 meters.
Third-week treatment mainly concentrated on his mobility improving his sensory and motor activity, managing his mood swings, and improving general nutrition. this has shown very good results and the body responded in such a manner that within a period of five days the same patient who was almost bedridden and in a wheelchair now walking 25mtrs without support. He gained around 5 kg weight, Hb 10.6mg/dl, his renal and liver functions are within the range his appetite has improved, general weakness has reduced, he’s active and is willing to go back to his clinics.
He will get discharged within two days and if he can maintain the same protocol at home for two months we hope he will be getting back to his clinics. For people who are suffering from chronic ailments with comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension along with neurological deficits, Ayurvedic management– the holistic approach, the better option other than simply making the patient bedridden with physiotherapy alone. This should be an eye-opener for all who are looking for good quality of life even if affected by chronic ailments.
The patient’s name won’t be disclosed due to privacy issues. If anyone who wants to talk in detail can contact us and we will provide the details of the patient as per his approval.