It’s been approximately 2 years since the world spiraled
into a whorl of 50 nm size! Yes, that’s roughly the size of
the famous coronavirus! The so-called covid era has
demoted our world, our body, and our mind into times of
uncertainty and certainly fear! The fact that an
aforementioned microorganism was on the other side
made the whole scenario a complete gimmick! Covid era
certainly was a door to many realizations, the primary
attraction of one such realization was our body’s own
defense, which we lovingly call the immunity!
The brevity of our immunity.
Immunity, is a term not so alien to us, in fact, we’ve been
immunized right from our womb! The womb prepares us
for the bigger fight by imparting defense through a
mother’s placenta in the form of immunoglobulins! Yes,
that’s right, we are made to fight right from our origin!
The world is not just composed of us, the human beings,
there are several other organisms, and it’s certainly the
coexistence of each organism that makes life complete!
Regarding microorganism, which is a cause of disorders
among human beings, they make the human body a host
and live on their own terms, which if our body’s
immunity is in the right senses, may be kind enough to
disregard them, but the kindness depends on the
kindness and care we partake in order to build our body’s
immunity! The foreign bodies are rightly termed antigens
and our body produces antibodies in order to combat
them. The white blood cells of our body must be
appreciated owing to their predominant role in
maintaining our immunity! They are on the constant lookout
by traveling through our circulatory system and lymph
nodes for that “antigen”. The covid era saw our class
driving their attention to building amass immunity and
actually lived through the famous proverb, ‘prevention is
better than cure’.
Let’s protect our ability to fight
Our body, as mentioned, is made to fight. You may not
even be aware of what and how and when our body
elicits an immune response and renders us healthy!
Most of us are immunized in the terms of vaccines, and in
this fast-paced world comes to a conclusion that just
vaccination and gobbling some ‘preventive medicines’ in
the market is all you’ve got to do, and then go on
subjecting our body to unfavorable situations which are
faulty! The lifestyle we’ve been accustomed to, driven by
the rush has been slowed down by a single minute
coronavirus. Imagine if you could take that two or three
steps back in order to enhance your body by building a
super friendly immune system!
Let’s applaud the science of life!
The science that dates 5000 years back, the science of
life, Ayurveda advocates immunity, thereby prevention
as one of its major principles. Hence Ayurvedic classical
texts preach us a comprehensive routine on
maintaining a healthy and happy body!
According to Ayurveda, a healthy body (swasthya) lies in
a person whose mind, body, and circulating doshas are in
equilibrium. For this Ayurveda takes a person through
regimens and routines he/she needs to bind by with
regards to a day, season, climates what even, in the
unprecedented times such as epidemics, wherein
Charaka Samhita enlightens the importance of
immunity and is known as ‘Bala in Sanskrit. Bala is the
cogwheel of our body through which nourishment of our
body via dhatus takes place, in fact, even the
the complexion, effective working of the mind, sense
organs etc, and alleviates any discomfort therein –
‘immunity is the arresting of progression of the disease by
our body in order to achieve swasthya’. Ayurveda has
sorted immunity into sahaja,kalaja and yuktikrita-the
natural, chronobiological and acquired!
In fact, the same science reveals how psychosomatic,
social conditions are a declarative factor when it comes
to immunity, and we are well aware of how covid has
followed us through moments of distress, agony and
That coupled with a virus on the loose certainly has
posed a challenge to our immunity, and we were made
an easier catch to the simple virus!
Let’s not encompass our discussion about immunity just
to a covid virus. Immunity is demanded even by dust
surrounding us, we need a better immunity to take our
body out happily and for that, it’s imperative for us to
work towards it.
Keep a check on your regimen, just like consuming
those preventive medicines!
That’s right, gorging on multivitamins and preventive
tablets don’t mean you are well and fit, guaranteed
immunity, immunity is definitely not something like
insulin, which today’s world needs to realize. As said
before, immunity is imparted through a well-maintained
regime- which certainly involves your diet and even your
sleeping patterns!
We can’t complain that we’ve taken chyavanprash and
still caught a fever! While looking into it, if you find
yourself going on about the day very tired, and without
any rest attending a party by which you might have had
contact with people-those is certainly the factor that
contribute to lowering your immunity.
Let’s dive a little deeper.
A combination of the right medications, a complete
regime married to a good dietary regimen is your key to
a good immunity. Ayurveda draws parallel to a healthy
body to that of barren land, just like a barren land
cannot be survived by healthy vegetation, the same way
diseases wouldn’t thrive in a healthy body! Ayurveda has
shrewdly included its wondrous charya(habits) and
recommended dietary modifications in order to adapt
our body to the ever-changing seasonal, climatic
Swasthya rakshakaram is the prime focus of Ayurveda in
surviving any infections, which is our flight through
modern pathogens and infections!
Some important points drawn from this science are –
● You are what you eat – that’s right, Ayurveda concurs
to the fact and even preaches that any diseases stem
from the gut, hence it’s crucial to maintain your ‘Agni’
(digestive fire) for a healthy body.
● Vega Dharana should be evaded – vegas are your body’s natural urges such as
flatus, yawning, sneezing, etc., and a simple act of
suppressing such urges could slowly make you prone
to diseases!
● Gain control over dharaneeya vegas – Just like non-suppression of natural urges, its
important to keep a check over manasik factors like
raga(desire), greed, envy, etc.!
● Knowledge of trayopasthamba – trayopasthamba
are the three pillars of life which help you win over
– they are aahara(balanced diet), sleep(Nidra) and
abrahmacarya( good sexual life)! Isn’t it beautiful? how modulation of such simple acts helps you gain a
healthy life?
● The habit of following sadvritta and acharya Rasayana – The classical scriptures of Ayurveda have beautifully
laid down the code of conduct and habits to be
followed leading to a healthy life.
● Kaale samshodhanam – Ayurveda advice each
individual to perform purificatory procedures
adhering to the Kala(time), Bala(immunity) and
seasons accordingly in order to cleanse your body!
● Avoid incompatible foods – Ayurveda’s beautiful concept of viruddha
ahara(incompatible foods) is one of the major faulty
habits that have been gone along by the people of
Did you know that the barbecue you’ve been
consuming is slowly killing your body?
Treat your body heavenly!
This is not merely a nutshell of the gem that our very
own traditional medicine, i.e. Ayurveda has
elaborately expounded on. It’s for us to dig deeper,
find the gem and utilize it the right way to keep our
body and mind healthy!