When your superior demands more from your part in work…when your parents demand more in studies….when your family demands more….the list of scenarios are more….
The amygdala in our brain initiates autoimmune response and processes emotions, this bundle acts like an alarm on either side of brain triggering the eruption of chemicals. Another structure the hippocampus inhibits the amygdala with the command to stop ringing but the main problem occur when repeated situations persist, neurons composing the hippocampus eventually get destroyed by constant flood of excess cortisol hormone…..this viscous cycle will put our body in constant stress and will result in the so called sympathetic overdrive..
Lets looks at the symptoms
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Insomnia
- Frequent urination
- Low libido
- Heart palpitations
- Hypertension/hypotension
- Headaches
- Adrenal fatigue
- Poor digestion
- Hypoglycemia
- Compromised immunity
Sympathetic overdrive is a loaded gun. If we keep pulling the trigger we will inflict damage to ourselves by succumbing to the cumulative buildup of adrenaline and cortisol. If these stress hormones are not metabolized over time it will lead to disorders of our cardiovascular, central nervous system disorders (autoimmune disorders). These stress hormones are acidic in nature, and they accelerate the aging process.
Role of Ayurveda
Ayurveda considers this as one of the major criteria for cardio vascular overload and specific multisystem therapies are listed for effective management.
The holistic approach which combines systemic harmony is given more importance than single drug therapy.
There will be medicines to correct metabolism and detox the effects of excess secretions within the body.
Patients are evaluated depending upon their age and vitals along with personal consultation for more than one hour.
Daily 5 patients are monitored and treatments are scheduled for 10 days.
One of first effective Ayurvedic protocol in cardiac care developed by Dr.Samson C Varghese (chief physician vaidhyamana Ayurveda ) and have earned great popularity in western world.
We are introducing this protocols to our Kerala chapter as the primary level management in CARDIAC CARE
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