When we hear the word Rasayana – it’s something to increase your life span….yes, it is….
To increase the life span we need to remove our ailments and multiple factors that are hindering our longevity…. So which all ailments will come under this category.
The importance of Rasayana therapies during this era is one of the means to be safe and more productive without much medicine. For example, someone got an infection due to multiple factors and the doctor gave him medicines. Within a period of time, he was free from his ailment……
Then what happens when the same condition recurs. At present this is what’s happening. When it comes to infection we rather opt for the conventional method but when it comes to a large group of ailments that come under autoimmune and multisystem linked…solutions are to EAT OUT your prescriptions…..
Rasayana therapy was told to counter this with the help of simple solutions from nature. This was practiced earlier in aristocratic families. For starting Rasayana therapy we need to process our body and maintain the equilibrium. Once these are achieved there are specific single drug therapies that are given with utmost care. Mode of Rasayana therapy is divided into two
1. Kutipravesika Rasayana (Indoor management)
2. Vatathapika Rasayana ( open-air/outdoor management)
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