Muscle, Tendon, Ligament, Bursa, Bone which in turn supports joints and enable there smooth mobility hence making physical body mobile. There are many conditions affecting our musculoskeletal system and the Ayurveda therapies which includes systemic medications and physical therapies along with specific panchakarma therapies are one of the best solutions you find to cure your ailments effectively without side effects.
Ligament – Ligaments are tough flexible band of connective tissue hold two bones at a movable joint and are important in preventing dislocation. Ligaments are of two type one mainly composed of collagen fibre and another elastic fibre
Tendon- is a band of fibrous connective tissue which connects muscle to a bone, the elastic property of tendon functions like that of a spring. Tendons and ligaments work together during movements of individual joints
Bursa- is a fluid-filled sac lined with synovial membrane. All synovial lined joints will have bursa, this provides a cushion between bones and helps in reducing friction and allows free movement. Infection or inflammation of bursa leads to bursitis
Bone- Bone is the substance that forms the skeleton of the body and is composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, bone also serves as a storage area for calcium, playing a large role in calcium balance in the blood.
206 bones in the body serve several purposes by which they support and protect internal organs. Muscles pull against bones to make the body move. Bone marrow, the soft, spongy tissue in the center of many bones, makes and stores blood cells
When you look into joints….Arthritis……?
Are you ?….