Caused by pressure on median nerve, which runs the length of the arm, goes through a passage in the wrist called the carpal tunnel, and ends in the hand. This nerve controls the movement and feeling of your thumb, movement of fingers.
Contributing factors
Repetitive motions- typing ( any motions of the wrist that you do over and over). Conditions like hypothyroidism, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, Pregnancy
Burning, tingling, itching, numbness in the palm of your hand and thumb, index and middle fingers. Numbness and tingling that may run till your shoulders.
When Its Severe
You may have less grip strength because the muscles in your hand shrink. Pain and muscle cramping will become worse. The median nerve begins to lose function because of the irritation or pressure around it. This will lead to Slower nerve impulses, Loss of feeling in the fingers, loss of strength and coordination like ability to use your thumb to pinch.
Ayurvedic Management.
Treatment line is mainly to remove entrapment without surgery and this can be achieved with external paste applications, special heat modalities along with partial immobilization, bandage and specific oils to remove inflammation.